How Long Do Women Take Before Dating Again After a Long Relationship

happy man and woman looking at each other

Ah, falling in love. It is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Your stomach erupts with butterflies every time you are around your crush and you slowly develop a feeling of security and trust. Before you know it, you've fallen hard.

What is love

Love has many aspects. It involves both emotional and biological effects. Love is a strong and lasting affection for someone. It often leads to a fulfilling relationship. The relationship shared with everyone close to us as our partner, sibling, parents, friends, etc., involves love.

Love is also influenced by biological drives. It is divided into three categories as stated below:

  • Lust: Lust stands for sexual gratification and is stimulated by the production of testosterone and estrogen.
  • Attraction: Attraction stands for feeling drawn to someone, and the hormones in play during attraction are dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine.
  • Attachment: Attachment is when vasopressin and oxytocin are the main hormones stimulated. Attachment can be seen in many bonds like friendship, parent-child relationship, etc.

Let's dive deep into how long does it take to fall in love for both men and women?

                      Related Reading:                                            What is love                  

How long does it take for a man to fall in love

Do you want to be loved?

Well, most new couples can't wait to be in love, prompting many to ask: How long does it take to fall in love ? Is there an official timeline for how long it takes the heart to fall out of puppy love and into real, deep, unforgettable love?

How long it takes to fall in love differs from person to person. There are some who jump into relationships wholeheartedly, while others like to take their time before giving their heart away.

The process may be different for everybody, but there are definitely some scientific factors that play an integral role in falling in love.

Know if you're in love with someone. Here are some facts about how long it takes to fall in love:

1. Puppy love

couple clicking a selfie

Is falling in love real?

Yes, it is, and it starts with the puppy phase.

Puppy love is one of the first signs of love in humans. Puppy love speaks to an adolescent or temporary love that is quickly fleeting. When you fall in love, this immature love often occurs within the first few weeks of a new relationship and often dissipates before the couple has even hit their six-month anniversary.

Often associated with butterflies, lust, and excitement, this adolescent-type love comes fast and is gone within the blink of an eye.

Nevertheless, it is one of the first signs of romantic, emotional feelings for someone else.

                      Also Try:                                            When Will I Fall in Love Quiz                  

2. Men fall in love faster than women

Does how long it takes to fall in love come down to gender? Apparently, it does! Contrary to popular belief, men fall in love faster than women do.

Research done by the Journal of Social Psychology surveyed 172 college students about falling in love. The results show that the majority of the time, it was the man who fell in love first and was also the first to say "I love you" to their partner.

3. Sex plays a role

couple being intimate

Falling in love with a woman is not about lust. It is about connection, and nothing connects partners quite like physical intimacy.

This is the most personal thing you can share with someone else and often leads to humans developing deep feelings of attachment for one another. It also serves as a reason why "friends with benefits" often fail – somebody gets attached!

These days sex does not always equal love, but it does release the love-boosting oxytocin that plays a large role in giving you those ooey-gooey feelings.

Oxytocin has been scientifically shown to increase the bond of trust between partners.

Studies also reveal that oxytocin boosts monogamy in men and heightens emotional intimacy , both of which are key players in creating lasting love.

                      Related Reading:                                            The Role of Sex in Relationships                  

4. The four-minute rule?

What is it like to fall in love? How long does it take to fall in love? According to scientific research, only about four minutes!

According to BBC Science , research indicates that it takes a mere 90 seconds to four minutes for the average person to decide if they are romantically interested in someone they've just met.

The research more likely refers to how long it takes to get a crush on someone or decide whether they are someone you might want to pursue rather than fall in deep love. Still, it goes to show that first impressions are everything when it comes to falling in "like."

5. Friendship matters

A romantic friendship can do wonders in speeding up the time it takes to fall in love. Research shows that couples who genuinely enjoy each other's company and share hobbies and interests enjoy higher levels of marital satisfaction than couples who practice hobbies separately.

When you connect with someone, you just feel it. You feel alive when you are around this person, and all of your worries melt away.

But are these feelings just in your head? It turns out they're not! Research indicates that couples experience greater happiness and significantly lower stress levels while spending quality time together.

Laughing together is also important. Those who laugh together feel more satisfied and are more likely to stay together.

6. Positivity breeds love

When you have a crush on someone, it's probably because they make you feel amazing. They adore your personality and make you feel funny, smart, and desired. They create a positive attitude in your life which makes you develop deep feelings for them.

The bottom line is this: positivity can be addicting, especially when it's coming from a person you are attracted to.

The happier you feel when you're around someone, the more likely it is that you're going to develop a deep, loving bond with them.

7. True love takes time

couple looking at each other

How long or short a time it takes you to fall in love makes no difference. It is the connection you share with your partner and the deep bonds you create that truly matters.

One research study on what makes a lasting marriage found that the most successful couples had the following in common:

  • They viewed each other as best friends
  • Agreed on goals
  • Viewed marriage as a sacred institution
                      Related Reading:                                            The 4 Unmistakable Characteristics of a Successful Couple for You                  

8. Scientifically, men will take 88 days

As compared to women, the average time to fall in love for men, as the research suggests, is that it takes 88 days for men to say I love you. Considering the average time it takes to fall in love, they are not scared of committing in love, and the research proves it.

Adding to it, 33% of men were ready to meet the parents of their partner within the first month of commitment, making them 'commitmentphiles' instead of 'commitmentphobes.'

How long does it take for a woman to fall in love

man and woman running towards the sea

What does it take to fall in love for a woman? It may be a stretch to estimate how long does it take to fall in love for women, but there are certain facts that can be considered on the topic:

1. Personality matters

For a woman, the personality of a man matters in order to push things further ahead. She will not move to the next stage if she doesn't find him impressive and presentable.

So, for any man to impress a woman right in the first instant, he needs to take care of how he presents himself to the woman he is interested in.

2. They consider physical attractiveness

Physical attraction matters to a woman as much as it matters to a man. A woman will choose someone good-looking over an average-looking guy. However, they do not rule out the personality and overall impression just for the factor of good looks.

                      Related Reading:                                            6 Signs of Physical Attraction and Why It Is so Important in a Relationship                  

3. Hormones come into play

When a woman falls in love, the body tends to produce the hormones called norepinephrine, also known as the stress hormone, and phenylethylamine, also known as the love chemical.

It can be assumed that the secretion of norepinephrine might not have a positive impact, especially when the love phase is just starting. However, one must know that this hormone makes a woman remain focused on the man she is dating.

This also gives a feeling of nervous excitement when the woman is about to meet the date or when the man texts back.

4. Women take time to confess love

For women, it's hard to fall in love as compared to men.

As compared to men, women take time to confess love. According to the report , on average, a woman thinks six months is a considerable time to confess love. However, there is no definitive amount of time for everyone and the time to fall in love varies from one individual to another.

5. Women focus on the feeling of safety

Love takes time to grow.

For a woman to fall in love, they also consider the factor of safety. She will not get along with a man with whom she feels emotionally and physically unsafe.

A woman will go by her gut feeling, and she will choose a man who builds an aura of safety above everything else.

Check out this video on how to make a woman feel safe around you:

6. Meeting parents

As per the report , 25% of women meet the parents of their partner within the first month of their relationship. They seek more stability before they move on to the next phase of the relationship and. Therefore, take time before making a full-fledged commitment.

                      Related Reading:                                            5 Stages of Relationship Development That Couples Go Through                  


In short, if you treat your relationship like it is something special that nobody else has, your mind will start to believe it.

Building a deep connection through quality time plays a huge factor in how quickly you fall in love with your crush. Many couples do this through a weekly or bi-monthly date night. Research indicates that those who have regular weekly date nights boost romantic love and enhance relationship passions.

So, how long does it take to fall in love? The truth is that there are no hard and fast rules. You may develop an early attraction to someone, or it may take weeks, months, and maybe even years to fully give your heart to your crush.


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