With All the Buildings Crashing Down Its Armageddon Again

Mission Guide: Chapter Two

Hither we are, the commencement of our new lives... again.


You now take a new safehouse in Bohan, after the last one was burned down past the Russians. Roman says it's time to "outset over over again." In this affiliate, Mallorie introduces yous to two of her friends - Manny Escuela and Elizabeta Torres - both of whom provide work for Niko. Algonquin is unlocked after the mission "Blow Your Comprehend," and Alderney becomes unlocked at the end of the chapter.

Mallorie introduces Niko to Manny Escuela, a guy she grew up with. Manny is trying to "make clean upward the streets," and he's making a video to record his struggle. He wants Niko to aid him have out some of the dealers in Bohan. After the cutscene, get in a vehicle with Manny and go to the dealer's place on Grand Boulevard. A cutscene shows the dealer leaving his flat. Follow him, but don't get likewise shut to him or you volition spook him. Stay at least ii auto lengths behind him until he reaches the destination in South Bohan.

Escuela of the Streets Escuela of the Streets

Park behind the dealer when he reaches the destination, and follow him over to the warehouse. Manny goes back to option up Jay (the camera guy) while you lot're taking intendance of business. Shoot the lock on the door, and then have encompass behind the wall. Take out equally many dealers as y'all can from outside the warehouse before moving inside. There is no time limit here, then you tin can accept every bit long every bit you like.

Escuela of the Streets Escuela of the Streets

There is i dealer immediately to your correct inside the warehouse, and several directly ahead. Once yous've taken out as many as you can from outside the warehouse, move inside and immediately accept embrace behind the one of "Redwood" boxes. Accept out the remaining dealers inside the warehouse, paying close attending to where they are situated on the radar. Use encompass at all times, and watch out for the last dealer behind the colonnade in the centre of the warehouse. Leave the warehouse once all the dealers accept been eliminated, and watch the cutscene as Manny [quite happily] takes all the credit for your work!

Escuela of the Streets Escuela of the Streets

Phone Dimitri calls and threatens to hunt Niko down and kill him, because he never paid Bulgarin the money he owed him.

Manny introduces Niko to Officer McReary, before providing the details of the next mission. The mission is very similar to the previous mission in terms of the chief objective (take out some gang dealers) except this time it's a little easier.

Street Sweeper Street Sweeper

Get to Windmill Street where the gang members are situated, and run over the two gang members that are standing past the garage. Once you have been spotted, two of the gang members will try to escape in a machine, so give hunt and spray their vehicle with bullets.

Street Sweeper Street Sweeper

Aim for the wheels initially, and then finish them off before going back to kill the concluding remaining gangster at the garage. You tin can kill him however you like, though running him over is without a doubt the simplest choice.

Street Sweeper Street Sweeper

Phone Mallorie has some more than piece of work for you lot, this time from a character called Elizabeta Torres. Follow the 'E' on the radar to accept missions from her.

Brucie wants Niko to whack some people for him. After the cutscene, call 911 and press '1' to summon a police auto. When the cops arrive, steal their motorcar and lose your wanted level. When you lose the wanted level, Niko will automatically call Brucie for further instructions. Brucie wants you to kill somebody called Lyle Rivas.

Search and Delete Search and Delete

Stop the police car and admission the constabulary computer. Select 'Search Police Records' followed by 'Search Past Name' and so use the keyboard to blazon in 'LYLE RIVAS'. Add his location to the radar, and so leave the police computer.

Search and Delete Search and Delete

Go to Rivas's house and walk into the yellow marker. During the cutscene, Rivas makes an escape through the bath window. Exit the building through the door you came in, and begin chasing Rivas. Shoot his car until it blows upward, and so run him over when he attempts to escape on foot. Niko calls Brucie to confirm that Rivas has been eliminated.

Search and Delete Search and Delete

TXT Brucie invites yous to meet him for more work.

According to Brucie, the guy y'all just killed (Lyle Rivas) had a car "worth stealing," which he left in an alleyway off of Yorktown Avenue in Steinway. Brucie wants you to become information technology and bring information technology back to his garage. When you get inside the vehicle, a cutscene begins, and a car containing two of Lyle'southward assembly arrives at the scene.

Easy as Can Be Easy as Can Be

Get the car dorsum to Brucie's garage. The two thugs will hunt and shoot you the whole fashion back. Be careful when turning corners, considering the car will get damaged very quickly if they manage to block you lot. Get the car back to Brucie's garage in ane piece to complete the mission.

Easy as Can Be Easy as Can Be

The main objective of the mission is quite simple; the only thing y'all need to be careful with is your treatment of the car. Be patient and slow down when turning corners and you should be fine. The car volition [probably] be heavily damaged by the time you get it back to the garage, but that doesn't thing.

Easy as Can Be Easy as Can Be

Phone Brucie wants to talk to Niko about Roman, because he'due south been "gambling like an animal" and he's out of command.

Rivas's cousin owes Brucie a lot of money, so he wants Niko to go and have care of him. During the cutscene, Roman creates a profile for Niko on Beloved Run across, which he's going to use to try and arrange a date with Rivas'south cousin. Go to the [email protected] internet buffet, and Niko will automatically call Brucie once he arrives in that location. Brucie tells you to log on and admission love-meet.net, so search for a guy called French Tom.

Out of the Closet Out of the Closet

Go to one of the calculator terminals and access the spider web. Go to love-meet.net and click on the 'males' icon, and and so locate French Tom. Scroll to the lesser of the page and click on the push button to arrange a engagement. Y'all are at present free to conduct other business while y'all expect for French Tom to reply. Once he does reply, Roman will send a text message telling you lot to check your emails.

Out of the Closet Out of the Closet

In the response, French Tom tells you to see him at the 69th Street Diner on Hove Beach at 18:00, and so go there and await for him. Arroyo French Tom inside the diner, and Niko will begin talking to him. When you are ready, stand up and eliminate French Tom to complete the mission.

Out of the Closet Out of the Closet

Mallorie introduces Niko to Elizabeta, who so introduces Niko to Patrick McReary, a guy she's setting upwardly a deal for. Elizabeta doesn't trust the guys that Patrick volition be dealing with, so she wants Niko to human activity as his "guardian angel" and make certain that nothing goes incorrect. The deal is taking place at Joliet Street, and Patrick has left a rifle on the roof of the identify next door.

Luck of the Irish Luck of the Irish

Go to the building in Southward Bohan, and then go upwardly to the roof and collect the sniper rifle that Patrick has left for you. Stay crouched and lookout man over the deal using the sniper rifle. About 25 seconds later the cutscene, the dealers brainstorm to shoot at Patrick and his associate. Zoom in with the sniper rifle and take out all of the attackers. Take your time with each shot and deal with one person at a time.

Luck of the Irish Luck of the Irish

I of the attackers gets in a tussle with Patrick, then snipe him, and so three more attackers will arrive. Once you have taken out the three attackers, the last assailant volition endeavour to escape in the van. Snipe him through the windshield to consummate the mission. Later, Niko calls Elizabeta to permit her know that Patrick is safe. She invites y'all dorsum to her apartment for more work.

Luck of the Irish Luck of the Irish

Elizabeta introduces Niko to Johnny, who is currently sitting on a big pile of heroin. Elizabeta has found a buyer for him, and she wants Niko to oversee the deal and ensure that everything goes okay, so the objective is similar to the previous mission. She also introduces Niko to Playboy Ten, who'south going to be assisting yous at the bargain. Accept Playboy to the contact's apartment, and follow him up to the third floor to see Johnny.

Blow Your Cover Blow Your Cover

During the cutscene, it becomes apparent that the dealers are infact underground LCPD officers. Discover comprehend, and take out all of the attackers. Accept your fourth dimension and pick them off ane at a time, and and so brand your way up to the next floor. Every bit yous go out the room, in that location are ii officers immediately to your right. Take them out, and then follow Playboy upwards to the next floor, where more than officers are waiting to attack. There is a first help kit situated on the roof, so collect it if you lot need it and so use the wall as cover. Take out the two remaining officers, and more will begin to make their way onto the roof.

Blow Your Cover Blow Your Cover

Follow Playboy down the stairs, where some other officer is waiting to assault you. Once he is dead, a two-star wanted level appears. Make your manner down to the footing flooring, just watch out as there are ii more than officers waiting for you lot on the stairs. Once you escape from the building, get in the machine across the road and lose your wanted level with Playboy. Finally, take Playboy X back to his apartment in Algonquin to complete the mission.

Blow Your Cover Blow Your Cover

Phone Roman calls to denote that he has nerveless insurance money from the onetime cab depot, and has invested the money in a make new 1. The concern is upward and running.

TXT Playboy X has some work for Niko. Follow the '10' icon on the radar to go and see him.

In this mission, Manny wants Niko to eliminate some people he used to gyre with, who take been "bad-mouthing him" later on watching his new film. It seems they weren't impressed. Go to the Algonquin Span and finish in the yellow marking facing south.

The Puerto Rican Connection The Puerto Rican Connection

The target you are looking for is on the railroad train, so you need to follow it and eliminate him when he gets off. The chase will pb to Cayuga Avenue in Schottler.

The Puerto Rican Connection The Puerto Rican Connection

Brand your mode up to the platform and eliminate the three targets. It might be useful to take cover before launching your attack, merely if you start with full wellness and a decent (quick) weapon such as the Micro-SMG and then it shouldn't exist necessary.

The Puerto Rican Connection The Puerto Rican Connection

TXT A text message arrives from an bearding user, instructing you to run across him at the end of the pier at Castle Gardens.

Phone Elizabeta wants Niko to get and see her.

During the cutscene, Elizabeta argues with Niggling Jacob. She says some people he introduced to her have "ripped her off big time," and she needs Niko to get to the old hospital on Colony Island and get her coke back. The old hospital is heavily guarded past dealers, and you will need to eliminate all of them in lodge to go to Elizabeta's coke. In one case you have the coke, you'll need to escape from the hospital, so it may be a good idea to go to the old hospital before starting the mission to telescopic it out beginning.

The Snow Storm The Snow Storm

At that place are multiple approaches to this mission. A skillful fashion to showtime would be to stand up well abroad from the chemical compound, and snipe equally many of the dealers equally possible earlier going in. The erstwhile hospital is surrounded by metal fencing, and in that location are two areas of broken fence which you tin apply to enter the complex - i on the north side and one on the due east. You should enter via the due north gap and escape using the eastward gap. Enter the building itself via the doorway on the east side of the building. Take embrace at all times and eliminate anyone who attacks you.

The Snow Storm The Snow Storm

An SMG in addition to a heavy piece such as the assault rifle is recommended. You'll need plenty of ammo, full health and armour before starting the mission. Take your time, take cover at all times, and eliminate anyone in your path. Exist careful when you are going through the main corridor section of the building, as at that place are attackers on the upper level of the complex too as on the ground - refer to the radar to come across which ones are in a higher place you. At that place are first aid kits located throughout the circuitous, so keep an heart out for them. The coke is being guarded in a room by two dealers. Waste them, and and then pick up the purse of coke.

The Snow Storm The Snow Storm

Once yous have the coke, Due north.O.O.S.Eastward will begin to raid the old hospital, and a chopper arrives. Make your style back to the corridor, and go back out exactly the same way yous came in. There are two officers waiting to shoot you virtually the archway of the building. In that location is also a further officer waiting outside, who is taking cover backside a burned out vehicle. As mentioned before, get out the circuitous using the gap in the fence on the east side of the edifice, and then rapidly jump into the Humboldt river and use the Jetmax to escape.

The Snow Storm

Once you have shaken the cops off, get back and meet Little Jacob on Spin Street. During the cutscene, Michelle arrives and reveals that she has been working with the regime, and that it'due south "her task" to keep an eye on Niko! She says the cops are ready to take down Elizabeta, and demands that Niko hands over the coke. Ouch.

The Snow Storm The Snow Storm

Elizabeta is becoming paranoid because she knows the police are finally onto her.

Have a Heart Have a Heart

Manny and Jay before long make it at the apartment and begin recording a new piece for their film, where they accuse Elizabeta of messing upwards the streets Even so, Elizabeta is having none of it, and she shoots both Manny and Jay through the caput! She then tells Niko to put the bodies in her car and go rid of them. Elizabeta knows a physician that volition bargain with them.

Have a Heart Have a Heart

Take the bodies of Manny and Jay to the doctor at Dukes Boulevard. 'Natural causes' is his verdict. He says he'll have the organs "out on the streets in no time." Splendid!

Have a Heart Have a Heart

Brucie wants to evidence off his new car past taking function in a street race, but Lenny (the mechanic) screwed something upwards, and he now has zippo to race with. Brucie wants Niko to accept him to Freetown Avenue in Willis so that you can take Steve's car to the race instead. Information technology's a yellow Comet.

No. 1 No. 1

Once you have the auto, go to the starting indicate and prepare to race. As long equally you don't crash, you should exist able to finish first with fairly relative ease. Take it like shooting fish in a barrel at corners, wearisome downward and brake properly otherwise it could cost you the race. The other five drivers aren't exactly great - they tend to crash a lot, and then all y'all need to practice (basically) is non crash!

No. 1 No. 1

Take Brucie home once the race is finished, to complete the mission.

No. 1 No. 1

Playboy'south quondam friend, Dwayne Forge, just got released from prison house, and he is disgruntled that Playboy has moved on and left him behind. Playboy has left some weapons for y'all in an alleyway at Castle Gardens for the side by side mission, and he explains the details of the task on the way in that location. Apparently, the mafia take taken over a construction site belonging to Yusuf Amir, a big existent estate programmer who Playboy is aiming to impress. Playboy wants you lot to accept out the mobsters guarding the site, and regain control of it for Yusuf.

Deconstruction for Beginners Deconstruction for Beginners

Get in the car in the alleyway to retrieve the weapons (a sniper burglarize and grenades) and and then walk into the window cleaning platform. Brand your manner to the elevation of the edifice, in order to requite y'all a clear view of the enemy lookouts. Take out the three lookouts (1-3 on diagram) using the sniper rifle, and and so take out some of the guards on the footing to make life a little easier when you enter the construction site later. Once you lot've taken out equally many guards as possible, get back to the platform and head into the construction site. You tin take the automobile in and so use it as cover.

Deconstruction for Beginners Deconstruction for Beginners
Deconstruction for Beginners

Take out everyone in your way, and and then head towards the first spousal relationship leader, who is represented by a red blip on the radar. Take cover at all times, and utilize the grenades to take out multiple enemies at once. There is a first assist kit on the upper level of the construction site, situated at the top of the ramp. Don't move out of cover until you are sure there are no more attackers. Soon, a helicopter arrives with backup for the final remaining union leader. Once again, take encompass and eliminate anyone in your way. Impale the last matrimony leader to complete the mission.

Deconstruction for Beginners Deconstruction for Beginners

Phone Playboy wants Niko to do some piece of work for Dwayne. Playboy will cover whatsoever costs, since he owes Dwayne.

During the cutscene, Dwayne explains that he'south pissed off at two things. Firstly, he's annoyed that Playboy doesn't want to roll with him anymore (instead he sends Niko) and secondly he'south pissed that his girlfriend is ignoring him. His girlfriend has been hanging out with someone called Jayvon, who obviously was responsible for Dwayne going to prison. Niko sympathises with Dwayne because he sees a lot of himself in him. He and so offers to take care of Jayvon.

Ruff Rider Ruff Rider

Go to the arcade in Chinatown, where Dwayne'due south girlfriend (Cherise) and Jayvon are hanging out. Jayvon attempts to escape, and you now have the option of executing Cherise or letting her live. If you let her live, you'll run into her once more after on in the story, but it'south entirely your choice and it doesn't affect your overall game progress.

Ruff Rider Ruff Rider

Get on the bike parked at the arcade and begin chasing Jayvon. Shoot him off the bike and brand sure he'south dead, then pickup the coin that he owes to Dwayne. Niko calls Dwayne to arrange a meeting at the Cluckin' Bell in Algonquin, so he can hand over the money.

Ruff Rider Ruff Rider

Dwayne seems fairly depressed with how things have been going since he got out of prison house. He says ane of the things he lost was a strip club in Bohan chosen "The Triangle Club", which was taken over past gangsters after he got sent to jail. Niko promises to have it back for him.

Undress to Kill Undress to Kill

Enter the strip lodge in Bohan, but don't enter with a weapon drawn or security will attack you. In that location are iii managers inside the club, and the first matter yous'll need to practise is work out who they are. Arroyo the outset two men you see when you enter the strip club, and mind in on their conversation. They will reveal the location of the beginning manager, Jose, who is in the staff room counting money. Leave Jose for now, and approach the stripper and the human continuing beside the stage. The conversation will reveal that the homo (Javier) standing next to the stripper is the 2d manager of the order. Don't kill him notwithstanding, instead go to the back room where the tertiary manager is located, so that you now have the locations of all three managers.

Undress to Kill Undress to Kill

The locations of the managers should at present be highlighted on the radar. Go dorsum to the first manager (Jose) and impale him silently using fists, a baseball game bat or a knife, so that you lot don't attract attention from the security. Jose has a gun, so kill him earlier he manages to fire a shot in, otherwise security will be alerted. Now approach the second director who is standing by the stage, and take embrace behind i of the tables in the club. Kill him, and then take out the security men who attack y'all afterwards. Once most of the security people are gone, exit the club and follow the tertiary manager, who attempts to escape in a automobile. Perform a bulldoze-past shooting and finish him off to complete the mission.

Undress to Kill Undress to Kill

In that location is a growing tension between Playboy 10 and Dwayne. Playboy now says that Dwayne is beginning to "get on his nerves." Playboy wants yous to eliminate someone who has evidently been bad-mouthing him. He hangs out with his team at the basketball game courts on Exeter Avenue. You need to take a photograph of the squad with your new cellphone (given to you past Playboy X) and then send him the photo so that he can tell you which one to kill.

Photo Shoot Photo Shoot

In that location are 5 people in the basketball courtroom. Get a photo of them and send it dorsum to Playboy, but don't get too shut to them or they will spot you. Playboy will phone call you a few seconds subsequently and tell you which 1 to kill - each time yous do the mission it'south a different person, so you can't kill the same person every time! If y'all impale one of the targets before Playboy gets dorsum to you, the crew will split up and y'all'll have to kill all of them, only if yous follow the instructions this shouldn't be the example.

Photo Shoot Photo Shoot

You can kill Marlon and the other gang members past shooting through the argue, yous don't need to go into the basketball game court. Once he is expressionless, the mission is over.

Photo Shoot Photo Shoot

Phone Playboy calls to limited his displeasure at your handling of the strip social club situation. He doesn't want you helping Dwayne if information technology'southward going to "mess up his concern interests."

Phone Michelle calls and says it's of import that you meet her at the United Liberty Paper building in Algonquin.

Phone Mallorie is concerned that something has happened to Roman, because he didn't come home concluding night.

Michelle reveals that her real proper noun is Karen, and takes Niko to meet a friend in function 396. The man (who refuses to reveal his name) wants Niko to find out most a person called Oleg Minkov, who lives in Iroquois back in Hove Embankment. Become to Oleg'southward apartment and find out anything you lot can about him.

Wrong is Right Wrong is Right

When Niko arrives the apartment is empty, so he kicks the door down and calls the friend from U.L. Newspaper. He tells yous to cheque Oleg's emails, and call back with whatever information that would bespeak his current whereabouts. Access Oleg's emails and click on the latest email from "Vasily". It talks about a meeting at a jewellery shop on Tulsa Street. Niko calls dorsum and the homo tells him to impale Oleg at the jewellery store.

Wrong is Right Wrong is Right

Get a auto and stop in the yellow marker at the destination. Oleg attempts to escape, so chase him downward and impale him. When y'all reach Little Italy in Algonquin, Oleg will take a route which becomes blocked past construction material, so quickly opposite out of there and detect a different route. Eliminate Oleg to complete the mission.

Wrong is Right Wrong is Right

Phone Playboy X wants yous to become and encounter him. He has an important affair to hash out.

Dwayne has irritated Playboy X to such an extent that he now wants him dead. Playboy wants Niko to carry out the hit for him, only Niko says he'll have to take time to consider it. Playboy volition exist in touch shortly.

Phone Dwayne calls shortly afterwards the cutscene and reveals that he wants Niko to kill Playboy X! You now have a decision to brand.

Phone Playboy X calls to ask Niko if he has reached a conclusion yet. Niko says he knows what he's going to do, and you at present have the selection of killing either Playboy X or Dwayne.

Who y'all decide to kill is entirely your choice. Each option has its ain benefits, though killing 10 appears to be the favoured choice among the majority of GTA 4 fans. Killing Playboy X volition earn you his loft (which will act as a new safehouse) in improver to a new outfit, and it as well means that Dwayne Forge becomes a friend, which itself provides new benefits. Killing Dwayne volition earn you $25,000 but Playboy refuses to speak to y'all afterwards, so there are no other benefits apart from that.

The Holland Play The Holland Play

If you determine to impale Playboy 10, caput over to his apartment in North Algonquin. He has four or 5 people protecting him in his apartment, so be prepared with enough of ammo and armour. Take encompass behind the door at the elevator, and eliminate each of the guards in the apartment. Throwing a grenade into the flat should take intendance of most of them.

The Holland Play The Holland Play

Approach X, and he will leap beyond the roof to the contrary edifice, and effort to make a run for it. Make your way to the ground floor and follow him. More of Playboy's guards arrive in a desperate bid to protect him, so target them and shoot them, merely don't worry virtually Ten getting away because he will reach a expressionless end. Use the pistol to execute Playboy X for a cinematic execution.

The Holland Play The Holland Play

Killing Dwayne is considerably easier if you lot wish to choose that option instead. Get to his apartment, walk into the yellow marker and watch the cutscene which follows. Kill Dwayne's crazy bat-wielding friend, and and then employ the pistol to execute Dwayne.

The Holland Play The Holland Play

Phone Mallorie believes that Roman has been kidnapped by some Russians that he owes money to. This phone call is the start of the mission "Hostile Negotiation."

In this mission you need to rescue Roman, who is existence held earnest past Dimitri'southward men at a warehouse off Lompoc in Bohan Industrial. Ensure you lot take total wellness, armour and plenty of ammo before starting the mission. In that location aren't any specially difficult aspects of the mission, but y'all'll need to take out a lot of attackers which requires a bit of time and patience.

TXT Dimitri sends a text message containing a photo of Roman with a gun against his head.

Hostile Negotiation Hostile Negotiation

Walk into the yellowish marker at the warehouse when you are set to begin. Roman is being held on the top floor of the warehouse. When you lot take control of Niko, he will automatically take cover behind the wall. Take out each aggressor one at a time, and don't move out of cover until yous are sure there are no more than gunmen. Blind fire if necessary. There is a first aid kit straight alee if you demand whatsoever health. Try to impale as many attackers on the first floor from the ground floor before going up at that place - this will make your task a lot easier when y'all somewhen do reach the first floor.

Hostile Negotiation Hostile Negotiation

In one case you've taken out as many people every bit possible, move upwardly to the first flooring and immediately await for cover. Have out any remaining attackers, and then movement towards the second floor. If y'all demand any health, the start aid kit on the ground floor should have respawned by now, so go back down and collect it.

Hostile Negotiation Hostile Negotiation

Plough left every bit shortly equally you lot reach the 2d flooring, and once more find cover. There's a commencement aid kit on the wall up alee should you require it. Take out anyone in your way, and then proceed to the summit floor where Roman is beingness held by his kidnapper.

Hostile Negotiation Hostile Negotiation

You'll know when you lot accept reached the peak floor because the arrow on the green radar blip will disappear. When yous enter the room where Roman is being held, Roman and his kidnapper sally from behind a desk-bound. You need to use free-aim to kill the kidnapper and gratis Roman. Shooting him one time in the arm should exist enough, just be careful non to fire at Roman. Once you take successfully freed Roman, follow him out of the warehouse and take him dorsum to the safehouse in Bohan. The mission ends with a lecture from Niko about Roman'southward gambling addiction.

Phone Roman calls to say he has purchased a safehouse in Algonquin. You lot can now relieve your game there.

U.50.P.C. want Niko to find someone, and he'll demand access to a constabulary reckoner in guild to do then. Niko is informed that in return for doing these jobs, U.L.P.C. "may or may not" help Niko look for the person that betrayed him many years agone.

TXT Your contact sends you a text bulletin containing a photo of the target. Y'all'll need to upload this photo to the police computer in society to obtain the location of the target.

Portrait of a Killer Portrait of a Killer

Notice a constabulary car and access the on-board computer. The easiest fashion to go a constabulary car is to dial 911 on the cellphone, and then steal the car once the cops arrive. Lose your wanted level once y'all take the car, and then stop and access the computer. Select 'Search Police Records' followed by 'Search by Photograph', and then upload the photograph of the target sent to you by the contact. His name is Adam Dimayev, and he'due south wanted for financing terrorist activity. Mark Dimayev'due south hangout on the radar, and then become after him.

Portrait of a Killer Portrait of a Killer

The hangout is occupied by around 10 people, and your contact states that you must eliminate all of them. Start on the upper level of the hangout (Yorktown Avenue) earlier dealing with the guards on the lower level (Valley Forge Avenue). At that place is no time limit, and then y'all tin have as long as you like to eliminate all of them. You can take them out systematically one-by-one (using cover behind the diverse objects in the environment) or you tin can merely launch grenades and have them out several at a time. If you lot need health at whatever time, go to Yorktown Artery where at that place are no attackers present and dial 911 for paramedics. The paramedics will then arrive and give you health, but only at a cost.

Portrait of a Killer Portrait of a Killer

Phone The contact congratulates you on a chore well done, and says you are i step closer to finding the man you are later on.

Some guy is moving a lot of money for terrorists, and U.Fifty.P.C. need him "neutralized." Grab a vehicle and become to the Civilization Plaza. A helicopter is seen leaving from the helipad, and every bit per the instructions, you lot must follow it to its destination earlier attempting to steal it. The hunt ends at Kunzite Street, Westminster. Let the helicopter country, then motility in and take it.

Dust Off Dust Off

When yous drive in towards the helicopter, there are three guards upwards ahead, and so drive at full speed and have out as many every bit yous tin by just running them over. Then get out of the vehicle, accept cover and eliminate any remaining guards.

Dust Off Dust Off

Go far the chopper and fly to the dropoff point on the s side of the airport. Land at the location indicated by the yellow bleep on the radar, and then a cutscene will testify two FIB agents taking control of the chopper. Mission consummate. Niko calls the contact afterward the mission, who says that his men "have the chopper" and "will get it back to you" soon. Obviously you're going to utilize the chopper later to eliminate the guy they are after.

Dust Off Dust Off

Officer McReary is the mystery man. Y'all met him briefly during the mission "Street Sweeper." McReary states that he "knows all about" Niko's activities, and threatens to expose him unless Niko does some work for him. Some guy is blackmailing McReary, but he doesn't know who it is. He has arranged to do an exchange with McReary by the Humboldt River off Silicon Street, and he told McReary to call him there from the viewpoint.

Call and Collect Call and Collect

When you arrive at the viewpoint, Francis will send a text bulletin containing the phone number of the blackmailer, and you must call this number and look out for a person answering their telephone, so that you know which person to impale. Keep talking to the blackmailer until yous identify him.

Call and Collect Call and Collect

Impale the blackmailer once y'all have identified him, collect the storage device for Francis, and then lose your 2-star wanted level. Once that is done, take the photographs on the storage device dorsum to Francis to finish the mission.

Call and Collect Call and Collect

Phone U.50.P.C. call to say that "the chopper is fix" and that you must use it with Piffling Jacob to take out the target.

Run across Little Jacob at the salvage g off Grummer Road and get into the chopper. The target is in another chopper, flying effectually Liberty Metropolis, and you lot'll need to follow him and wait for an opportunity to take information technology down. U.Fifty.P.C. don't want whatever noncombatant casualties, and so you'll have to wait until the target is flight over the water before firing a shot at it.

Paper Trail Paper Trail

Once yous attain the water beyond the Broker Bridge, go close to the chopper and stay level with information technology on the right paw side so that Piffling Jacob tin can become a good shot in with the RPG.

Paper Trail Paper Trail

Once the chopper is down, have Jacob back to the helipad at Union Bulldoze East to complete the mission. Niko calls U.L.P.C. afterwards to confirm that the hit was carried out successful. The contact acknowledges your work, and agrees to call you lot when/if he finds any data on the person you are looking for.

Paper Trail Paper Trail

Phone Packie McReary calls to offer you some work. You tin take missions from Packie by following the "PM" icon on the radar.

A lawyer called Tom Goldberg (of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster) has some dirt on McReary, and McReary wants him dead. Goldberg has bodyguards, then McReary wants yous to get 1-on-one with him by arranging a task interview. You'll demand to look nice for the interview. McReary will email you more details before long, so head over to an internet cafe subsequently the cutscene.

Final Interview Final Interview

Admission one of the reckoner terminals at the internet cafe, and click on the "Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster" ad to admission their website. And so go to the "Careers" folio and submit your resume. Niko calls Francis after you leave the cafe to confirm that the application has been sent. Yous now need to wait on a telephone call from GLS. You lot can impale time past doing other missions and activities, or you lot tin accelerate time by 6 hours by saving your game at the safehouse.

Final Interview Final Interview

Eventually, Karen from GLS will call to arrange an interview with Mr. Goldberg. The time of the interview will be added to your organizer automatically - you need to be at the lawyers' role by 12:00 the following day. Now head over to Perseus and buy yourself some new dress. You'll demand a suit, a necktie and some nice shoes for the interview.

Final Interview Final Interview

One time you take everything you need, head over to the lawyers' office (indicated by the tie icon on the radar) and walk into the yellow marking to begin. Get and talk to the receptionist, and and then follow her to Mr. Goldberg's office. The interview volition begin, and a few seconds later yous volition have command over Niko. Stand when you are gear up to kill Goldberg, kill him and then retrieve the files from his desk. The receptionist triggers the warning, and you now accept a 2-star wanted level. Nail one of the windows in the office, bound exterior and become rid of the cops. Take the files dorsum to McReary once y'all're done.

McReary wants Niko to take downwards a drug dealer (called Clarence) in East Holland for $2000, only Niko demands $5000 instead. McReary says it would take likewise long for him to collect all the evidence against Clarence, then he wants to save himself some work by getting Niko to perform a hitting.

Holland Nights Holland Nights

Head over to the projects in E Holland, and ensure that you have plenty of wellness and ammo before beginning. McReary recommends getting to the second floor before you begin shooting anyone, but you tin do information technology in whatsoever manner you like. Once you lot reach the third floor, there are gunmen taking cover upwards alee, and a first aid kit on the wall to your right. Have them out, and a tertiary gunman will come down the stairs behind you, then spotter out. Remain cautious as yous arroyo the roof - there are several more gunmen waiting there. Once everyone has been eliminated, arroyo Clarence and y'all will have a option to make - you can either execute him or decide to permit him live. Walk abroad if you wish to spare his life, you'll meet him afterwards if this is your choice.

Holland Nights Holland Nights

If you lot want to impale Clarence and you wish to avoid whatsoever unecessary shootouts, go back onto the road before inbound the projects at the offset of the mission, and utilise your sniper rifle to zoom in on Clarence on the second floor. Kill Clarence, and evade the ii-star wanted level to complete the mission. If you don't get the shot right the starting time time, Clarence volition abscond and you will have to enter the projects and exercise things the hard way.

Holland Nights Holland Nights

If you spared Clarence's life, or if you decided to impale him the hard way, a two-star wanted level is gained and law surroundings the projects. Near of them will occupy the west half of the complex (which is the bit y'all are currently at) and then head over to the e section and get downward the stairs that mode. Turn left when you reach the bottom, and so left once more. Use the gate to become out, and so detect a vehicle and evade the cops. If you lot're lucky, yous should be able to escape from the projects without having to face any cops at all.

Holland Nights Holland Nights

It becomes apparent that Clarence was merely the boss of the arrangement, and now his chief lieutenant has taken over. McReary needs you to have him out. He has left a sniper rifle for yous in a car across town.

Lure Lure

Get in the car and then head to the dealer'due south apartment off Denver Avenue. Go to the rooftop of the edifice opposite the dealer's apartment, and punch his phone number (545-555-0122) to lure him to the window.

Culling means to lure the dealer to the window are:

  1. Shoot the satellite dish outside the dealer's window (he'll become up to find out why his TV stopped working).
  2. Shoot the television set screen inside the dealer'due south house (you won't take much time to shoot him if you lot choose this method).

Lure Lure

Assassinate the dealer when he goes to the window, then leave the building to complete the mission.

Lure Lure

Packie introduces y'all to his mother and his sister, Kate. Kate seems interested in Niko, just Packie warns him to stay away from her. After the cutscene, make it a car with Packie and go to the harbor warehouse on Emerald Street. Packie wants to get upwardly on the roof of the warehouse then you tin get a articulate view of the deal that's going downwards with the triads. Climb onto the objects, bound onto the ledge, shimmy across, so climb onto the roof. A brusk cutscene will show a boat arriving with some boxes which Patrick wants to steal. His programme is to wait until the dealers have loaded the boxes into the truck, then steal the truck and return it to a garage.

Harboring a Grudge Harboring a Grudge

Climb downwards the mini cabin, find embrace, and begin taking the dealers out. Molotovs or grenades would be useful at this point, as there are a lot of attackers. Packie will assistance yous (from the roof) and detract some of the attention. There are several dealers inside the warehouse, so be cautious when you lot approach it.

Harboring a Grudge Harboring a Grudge

Steal the truck and wait for Packie to get in, and so take the truck to Ray Boccino'south lockup in Westminster. Some more than dealers will begin chasing and shooting at the truck in one case you leave the warehouse, so drop a few grenades to get rid of them. Packie introduces you to Ray at the finish of the mission, and Ray agrees to phone call y'all some fourth dimension with some work.

Harboring a Grudge Harboring a Grudge

Packie and his friends want to rob the mafia after Ray tipped them off almost a big payment they received. Observe a four-door car and drive to the waste management plant nether the Algonquin Bridge, where the mafia are currently situated. Climb over ii fences to get into the depot, and waste material whatsoever guards outside. Grenades may exist useful here, just be sure to take cover at all times. Packie and the guys should be able to handle a few of the guards, but you'll demand to bargain with most of them. Follow the guys within once the guards have been taken out. There's a offset aid kit at the door should you need any health.

Waste Not Want Knots Waste Not Want Knots

Find cover as soon every bit you enter the building, and once once more pick off each of the guards one at a time. Go for the guard whose upward in the function before going for the others. When y'all are ready, proceed towards the part at the top of the stairs where the greenbacks is stored. Lookout out for more guards.

Waste Not Want Knots Waste Not Want Knots

Once you take collected the cash, more guards will enter the building and begin firing. Clear the ones nearest the exit then make an escape - go out Packie's friends to deal with the rest. Meet Packie outside and then swim towards the gunkhole. Wait for Packie to become on, and take him to the pier beyond the Eastward Borough Bridge to complete the mission.

Waste Not Want Knots Waste Not Want Knots

Phone Packie asks if you can practice him a favour by taking his sister Kate on a appointment. The McReary brothers are concerned virtually her because she hasn't been out in a long time. Give her a phone call.

Phone Ray Boccino calls and invites you to see him at Drusilla'south in Picayune Italy (Algonquin) for some work.

TXT Packie and his brothers take a large job planned, but you'll demand a suit and tie first from Perseus in Algonquin get-go. You need this in order to start the mission "Three Leaf Clover".

Packie introduces you lot to his brothers, Gerry and Derrick. Gerry isn't happy that Niko is being involved in family business organisation. Later the cutscene, find a four-door car and take your partners to the banking concern in Algonquin. Packie explains the programme on the way there - each person is going to take out a security guard each when they go in, and and then Packie and Michael will handle the civilians while Niko and Derrick handle the employees. Derrick is going to rig the vault door with explosives in one case the situation is nether control.

Three Leaf Clover Three Leaf Clover

During the raid, Packie and Derrick brainstorm arguing, and Michael gets shot by one of the civilians. After the cutscene, go down to the vault and get the money. The cops get aware of the robbery, and soon the entire building is surrounded by LCPD and Northward.O.O.S.E. officers. Make your way out of the building and accept cover behind a tree.

Three Leaf Clover Three Leaf Clover

Take out the cops and protect Packie and Derrick - then follow them into the alleyway and clear the path. Use the steps as cover, and throw a couple of grenades to take out the cops up ahead. All the Northward.O.O.S.Due east. officers must be eliminated before Packie and Derrick tin can proceed. Once they exercise, follow them, and once again clear the path.

Three Leaf Clover Three Leaf Clover

When you reach Chinatown, watch out for the cops who are situated on the fire escapes higher up you. Once again, clear the path for Packie and Derrick, and then follow them downwards the aisle. More than law arrive in a chopper, so Packie decides to use the subway equally an escape road. Follow Packie and Derrick into the subway, and impale the two constabulary officers immediately to your right every bit you enter. Employ the pillars as cover when you reach the area with the ticket machines, and accept out anyone who is in your mode.

Three Leaf Clover Three Leaf Clover

There is a first help kit attached to ane of the pillars, so grab information technology if you demand health. Follow Packie and Derrick downward to the platform, and apply the third (final) colonnade as cover. Throw some grenades across to the other side to have out the attackers, and then follow Packie and Derrick onto the tracks. Watch out for oncoming trains!

Three Leaf Clover Three Leaf Clover

Once you reach street level, find a four-door car and go far it with Packie and Derrick. You lot'll need to cross the Algonquin Bridge to get back to Packie'south place in Dukes, merely police accept blocked it off, so it is recommended that you lose your wanted level before attempting to cantankerous the bridge. Apply alleys and pocket-size roads when trying to escape from the cops - y'all'll lose them much easier that way. Take Packie and Derrick back to Middleton Lane to consummate the mission, and savour your hefty $250,000 advantage.

Three Leaf Clover Three Leaf Clover

Phone Gerry McReary has a business organisation opportunity that he needs your help with. Follow the "GM" icon on the radar to take missions from him.

Phone Packie wants you to exercise some piece of work for Derrick McReary, as a personal favour to him and Gerry. They say they volition cover any expenses. Y'all can detect Derrick at the "DM" icon on the radar.


Source: https://www.gta4.net/missions/chapter-two.php

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